Sunday, December 11, 2011

What Don't You Get?

Some guys are the biggest jerks ever. Right now, I'm listening to a Cody Simpson song (Not Just You) and I'm inspired to write this.

Nothing's Wrong
Yes, something is wrong and I want you to ask me.
Even some of my friends believe me when I say nothing's wrong. Like seriously, you screwed up so maybe you should shut your mouth and admit your wrong. 

It's Just A Game
Chill out. You shouldn't care so much about your dumb game.
Umm, hello? When a girl says that she wants you to pay more attention to her than the game. Wake up.

Do You Think She's Pretty?
Stop checking her out.
Wow. Big no-no. Why would you check out a girl when you have your own girlfriend?

Are You Even Listening To Me?
Listen to me before I slap you.
The phrase says it all. You've been caught.

Do I Look fat In This?
Don't lie. Don't tell the truth either.
If your girlfriend ever ask you this repeat after me:
''It's nice but you don't look comfortable in it. " 
Or something like that. 

I'll Just Have a Salad
I am hungry as hell. Feed me!
Yes, she is hungry but she doesn't want to be a slob. She might steal some of your sandwich though.

♥ Rachel

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