Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Rant Challenge: That Look

A lot of things have been really frustrating and annoying and on my mind so I want to talk about this 'thing'.

You know how in the mall, you are happily shopping and trying on those shoes and those oh-so-stunning necklaces and stuff? And you know how certain people will give you that look. Not THE LOOK but that look. That look where they think they are so much better than you and like " bitch please." 

Yeah. Who are you to come up to me and give me this look. You don't know who I am, what I've been through or anything I've done. ( Except for the people that do know you. In that case, check out my bitch rant.)

They look up and down, sneer then hurry off to tell their little bitchy friends. Like seriously. So what if you think I'm ugly? I don't care. If you can sneer at me, then you can also come up to me and tell me that I'm ugly. 

Like hello! What I think of you after you've done that to me is much worse. I have no respect for you after that. I won't open the door, I won't say excuse me, I won't apologize for anything.

Sometimes, it's the rich people that do that. You know, the ones all in their Gucci purse and their Jimmy Choo shoes. (hehe, that rhymes.)


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