Basically, this is wire holder things that help label your wires. {That made no sense.} I guess you could say that they help organize your wires a little bit more. I hate finding ends of wires and I don't know where they came from or why they are here.
Another Monday went by so quick! So, today I've been doing my nails.( no picture because I don't want to gross you out.) I didn't do any nail art or any nail polish on it. I just buffed and shined it with my awesome buffer.
The nail buffer is Revlon Crazy Shine and the nail clipper is a Covergirl one. See the white marks on the nail buffer? That's what happens when you use it too much. I've managed to keep the bottom half scuff free but the top is ruined.
I've also been doing some pen pretty-ing. Basically, my normal pen (without the triangle design) is just clear and you can see the ink tube thing. I just pop in a pretty piece of paper and it looks dressed up! I'll have to do a tutorial on that soon.
One new hobby of mine is making paper stars. I've made over 100 right now and I'm actually working on trying to fill up that container with stars so I can put it in my room to decorate! I've only gotten up to here so far.
I am very annoyed with people who do this. Why do we need to hear you yell out about how much your stomach " feels like it is being stepped on" and how much gas you have in it. Nobody wants to know about that. Then when I ask them to be a little bit more quiet because they are very loud, they get really defensive. Example:
Me: Excuse me, but do you think you could be a little bit more quiet? Them: What do you mean I'm being loud? What are you talking about? Why are you all in my buisness? Me: I'm all in your bisuness because you are talking like you own the place. Them: (talking very loud) I'm not loud at all!
At this point, there is no use arguing with somebody like this. This reminds me of when I have to speak to little kids like: Ok everybody. Let's use our inside voices!
I understand if you have a naturally loud voice and you can't help it or if you are just loud because that's your prsonality. I just don't like hate it when they are purposely being annoying about it and when you ask them to quiet down, they get all defensive. ♥Rachel
I'm sure that if you guys have tumblr, then you would have seen this photo. Of if you have gone to, I haven't done a "Rant Challenge" in a super long time and I wanted to start doing some more again. I still have to add The Rant Challenge to my tutorial page.
Duck Lips Umm. This is bad. What is up with the duck lips? Your lips look fat and you look like a mindless idiot. The Wonder Forest has a good explaining of the ducklip vs. kissy face argument. Go there! Now!
Ass Out
Are you like...prepared to be grinding on somebody? Do you have to go to the washroom? Why are you sticking your butt out? 'Nuff said.
I get this one. I get that maybe you want to present yourself as a fun and carefree person. But, maybe you should think about how unattractive it is to have your drool hanging out and your yellow teeth. (Unless of course, you whiten your teeth using some online editor teeth thingy.)
I've always cringed when posing with a person and they have this peace sign out. This is so asian. I have enough against Asian people but this is just classic asian. Cute Fail
Chances are that if you do this pose, you are probably not that cute. This is a kiddy pose. You shouldn't be doing this. From Above
I actually don't really mind this one. It's ok as long as you are not shoving your boobs into the camera. Hi Haters
Look, if you really didn't care then you probably wouldn't have a FB account. You shouldn't even have your haters on FB. You add friends, why would you add your haters?
Lesbo BFF
I admit. I do this. It's just a way to show how much I love her.
Obvious Chest
Ahh. The one I hate the most. Everyone gets it, you have awesome boobs. Don't flaunt it for us smaller chest people. What I really hate is when they get 50007777000 likes on one of these photos simply because they have their boobs hanging out there.And these are some of the comments they get.
OMG! You look freaking fantastic in this picture! Why are your boobs in the picture? Looking great sweetheart!
Today there will be a lot more 'things' than actual sites. Enjoy and don't forget to leave me a comment below telling me what new subjects you would like me to talk about!
Her Campus
They have a lot of amazing articles here and I really like this site. They talk about breakups, how to save money, songs they love and a lot of interesting beauty stuff. Read it here.
Not On The High Street
They have a ton of little things on this site that I wanted to show you so please look. { Click on the "via" under the picture to learn more about each item.}
I went skiing today but I didn't take any pictures, sorry! The funniest thing happened today. I was skiing and I had to go take a break so I went and put my skis and my ski poles on the rack and when I came back from my break, one of my poles were gone.
Now, I was angry, like super angry. I looked around and then I found that there was a single green ski pole left behind. My ski poles were red and white and the rental ski poles are usually green so I knew somebody that rented their skis took it.
I moped around for an hour ranting about how angry and disgusted I was. And then I saw a girl with one green ski pole in one hand and my ski pole in her other hand.
Then is what I said to her.
Me: Excuse me, you took my ski pole.
Her: Uhh.No I didn't.
Me: You did.
Her: (she's looking at it.) Oh. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
And then I got it back! The whole time I was wondering how she could have mixed up a dark green ski pole with a light red and white one.
Some people have been asking to know more about me and how I live my life and stuff like that so I decided to start a weekly feature called : How I Live My Life! It will basically be like a "my week in pictures" type of thing. Except it will be my day in pictures. Never mind.
When I get home from school, I usually opt for the healthier option. I'm trying to be more fit and in shape (even though I have no weight to lose) to get healthier and happier. So, this is called Black Sesame Cereal. You can find it in most asian supermarkets.
I know, it looks like sand.
This is what the powder looks like when you pour it out of the packet.
Then you pour boiled water onto the powder and mix. It will look a bit like mud and it does look gross but when everything is mixed together properly, it was taste delish!
That is what it looks like when it's partly mixed. Still looking pooey, I know.
And there is my cereal soup thing. Yum, yum. That's how I live my life.
If you haven't seen how to make these little bows, click here to learn how.
In my last post, I said I didn't have enough gluegun glue to glue the bows onto the hairband. Whoa, how many times did I say glue in that sentence? Anyways, that is the finished product.
This was the original hairband that I had made but the girl I was making it for wanted purple in it so I just started from scratch. For this hairband, I took skinny pieces of ribbon and tied them around the hairband into a bow. Easy.
I just glued the bows on top of each other to make one giant bow. Kinda.
Tada! A bow pyramid! It's cute, oui?
There is the finished hairband! It looks super cute so go and make your own! Hurry!
Yes, it's that time of the week again where everybody groans and moans about how they have to go back to work or school. But so what? Why not be happy on a Monday?
- I got an amazing mark on my test. (95%!) -The soup I am eating right now tastes delicious. -My two favourite shows are on today. (Pretty Little Liars, The Next Great Baker) - I finished writing a new tutorial that I'll put up this week. -I bought a new sweater and it's sparkling ! ♥Rachel
I really like ranting. I do. It sounds horrible and mean but I like to rant about things that bother me. That is why I decided to continue The Rant Challenge! It was originally supposed to be 10 subjects long but it's staying. I take submissions. { Look at the pic up there.}
Any topic should be good as long as it's not offending or anything. Something that annoys you, how I feel about something, how you feel about something?
Next topic.
I am looking for guest bloggers for The Rant Challenge or anything like a tutorial for hair, makeup or DIY projects. Again, please tilt your head up to the picture again.
I love the little whimsical trees I used from picnik. Speaking of picnik, I logged on this morning and they said they were closing and moving to Google+. Does that mean I need a Google + account to be able to use picnik? What type of monstrosity is this?
Anyways, if you are looking to guest post or have a suggestion for The Rant Challenge, feel free to contact me and while you're at it, please pass this around to all your rant friends and DIY people and such and such.
This post was originally supposed to be about making hairbands but my glue gun didn't have enough glue to glue the bow on the hairband. Anyways,here it is.
You will need:
- a headband (you don't if you only want to know how to make the headband.)
- ribbon
1. Cut a piece of ribbon out, however long you want it to be. Cut a bigger piece if you want a bigger bow.
Just realized a piece of hair was there. Yuck!
2. Fold your ribbon in half, then open it up and take one end of the ribbon and join it in the middle. Repeat on the other side. Glue-gun it down.
3. After you have folded both pieces in, cut a small piece of ribbon to wrap around the middle of the bow. Wrap it around and glue it down securely.
4. This is how your bow should look now if you have done it right. You can make smaller or bigger pieces to stack upon each other or you can just leave it.
Finished! I'll be back with an update to show you what the hair band looks like! ♥Rachel
One of my favourite products on this site is the rabito mug. It holds your teabag string up so it won't fall in. Anyways, this site has amazing iPhone cases and amazing little stationary things and just a lot of useful things in general. Click here for the stationary post. Click here to go to Connect Design's site.
This site { as the title says} as about stuff white people like. Duh. Anyways, this is a very funny site to go to when you are trying to be white or if you just want a good laugh. Click
This is amazing to use to draw different pictures or whatever online. It's like you're sketching using your mouse. Which is cool. Anyways, check out my sketch.'
I can't help the ugliness.
Yes, I am aware it kinda sucks but the site is great. Go try it out.
Has anyone heard about infographics? It's a new way to visualize data about a certain topic. They are data filled posters basically. It can be either video or a picture. It's interesting and I like reading about weird things or whatever from an info-graphic.
I know the image is super small and I apologize but just click on the link underneath to see it better. This infographic is about coffee and weird stuff you probably didn't know about.
I don't know if you guys know this, but I love stationary. Like, a lot. I really love fun stationary too. I don't like the boring pens and pencils you can get from Walmart or whatever. I also like pencil cases and letter holders and all sort of fun office stuff. I like design anyway. Anything that is cute and creative is my sort of thing.
These cute little notebook are popup-ish. I mean like, the cover of the 3-D ish thing stands out. It doesn't come out. It's like in the cover or the book while still being out? I'm bad at explaining. Get it here.
I am in love with this right now. I think I'm going to order this right now. This pen cab function as a ruler, a pencil, a pen, a highlighter or a PDA stylus. So it won't take up space in your pencil case and you won't have to buy so many back to school things. Get it right here, right now.
Anybody that really knows me, know I wear rings. Like a lot. I love rings. And now I can go out and buy scented eraser ones. These are PVC free and they look so fun and so cute. Buy that here.
I am also forgetful. Great, now we've learned two things about me. Anyways, this pen is amazing. You write down a reminder and then I look at my pen and it reminds me of what I had to go do! I'm excited. I really want this pen too! Buy. Here. Now.
Enough stationary for you yet? One of my friend {ahem, Shannon} will be doing a geust post for The Rant Challenge. {She kinda sucks.} Jokes. Love her. ♥Rachel
I recently found this little article non how to make a box out of cereal boxes and stuff. So, I spotted this adorable tissue box and I knew that would have to be the inside of one of these boxes. Who could pass it up? So I go making the box, almost glueing the thing together, until I realized that the logo is still on it.
See the Life logo?
I grabbed a piece of paper, traced the logo part and made a ok-ish coverer.
Take a silver gel pen or whatever and draw little circles for a border. Then I took a tissue and smudged it a little bit so it would look like a pearl or something.
So now I take a pink Pip-Squeak Pinky Pink marker and connect the circles together like a necklace chain.