Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Rant Challenge: Gross People Habits (Part 2)

I was going through the comments and I noticed one from a girl named Bhavani. It was on the post Gross People Habits and that got me thinking about other gross things people do. That got me all fired up and if you read The Rant Challenge, you would know I get pretty fired up about things but this is my take on the gross things. ( Go check out Bhavani's blog, it's pretty cool and she writes about really interesting topics.) 

Gross People Habits (Part 2)

Situation: Somebody sticks their pinky finger into their ear and they wipe it on their pants.
I see this a lot when I go out and the people usually try and pretend it's nothing.It's gross and I'm pretty sure it's not very clean.
Solution: Don't do anything. Don't go near them, don't talk to them, don't do anything.

Situation: You see somebody picking a wedgie out of their butt.
I understand, completely how uncomfortable a wedgie is. I get it. What I don't get is why people feel like they need to adjust in front of people. Go into the bathroom and do it. I don't care.
Solution:  There is no solution. I'm not going to tell you to pick up their hand and take it out of their butt. There's no solution.

Situation: People sticking their fingers in their mouth and picking food out.
I have no idea why but every time I go to a certain restaurant, I will see plenty of this happening. There is a such thing as a toothpick so why not use it?
Solution:If they are with you or sitting at the same table as you, offer them a toothpick. This is a polite way to tell them they are grossing you out and at the same time, you're offering them a toothpick. :)

Situation: Some slezey guy grabs his women in the 'ahem' areas.
K, first thing I have to say: Get a room!
Solution: Don't do it to YOUR girl.

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