Monday, April 04, 2011

Tons Of Love

Sigh. I've been thinking about names and what you think of when you see those names.
Like for example:
For all those Shannons out there, I'm not trying to offend you. But never mind. I really dont want to offend anybody. 
My finger is healing nicely. I don't know if I mentioned this in my last post but my finger got slammed in the freaking door. Now its like healing but the redness is retreating. It's very hard to describe it. On a happier note, I just finished my sixth chapter of my book. So happy. I need some suggestions right now. 
My book is about a girl growing up and dealing with all the pressure. It's a funny book. I'm  probably going to never publish it because well, its kinda a private book. But whateves. I hope all my friends will get to see it!

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